The ultimate declaration of love: 100 red roses!
Do you love someone and want to let them know it? Surprise them with 100 red roses. When you think of roses, you think of love. It is the flower of love, especially red roses. With 100 red roses you show true love and say: ‘you are the one for me’. To get 100 red roses in a bouquet is a very big job, only professional florists can do this properly. So buy your bouquet from a rose specialist.
100 red roses with 1 white rose
More and more often you see 1 white rose in a red rose bouquet. The white rose stands for the future. Do you trust your loved one and see a wonderful future with them? Buy 1 extra white rose. This white rose is placed in the middle of the bouquet. Make sure you have a good vase for this bouquet. A bouquet of 100 (or 101) roses is very large and heavy. For such a beautiful and large bouquet you need a suitable vase. Take good care of the roses as well, otherwise the surprise will be short-lived and you can throw the bouquet away after a week. A little tip: use rose food and make sure the vase the roses go in is clean. Sometimes there are still bacteria in the vase from the previous bouquet.
100 red roses and gift
Is a bouquet of 100 red roses not enough? Then add an extra gift. Think of 100 red roses with champagne or chocolate. Make the surprise complete with a little extra. Besides chocolate and champagne you have many more nice extras. Think of a soft toy, wine or a vase. Do you want to surprise someone, but it must remain a secret? Send the bouquet anonymously. This is possible with most flower suppliers.