Netherlands company register
If your planning setting up a Dutch business, you’ll first need to check your company name by searching the Netherlands company register. Any business or entity in the Netherlands is required to register in the Dutch Business Register of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (in Dutch called ‘Kamer van Koophandel). Their law claims everyone who is providing goods of services to others for a profit, is in business.
We from ‘Set up your Dutch company’ are able to register your company within a short amount of time. Also we can advise and inform you about the benefits when choosing a Dutch corporate registry. For example, the Dutch taxes; the Netherlands have a attractive low corporate tax. You are paying only 20% up to 200.000 euro profit, and only 25% for a profit above the 200.000 euro. Besides this, the Dutch VAT authorities are very accessible for every Dutch company owner and willing to discuss the tax position and Advance Tax rulings and more. All for eliminating uncertainty for taxpayers in a Dutch corporate registry. Curious about the other advantages of having a Netherlands company register? Please contact one of the Set up your Dutch company specialists to find out now.